What is a blue Duck?
What is a blue Duck?
The blue duck is 53 to 54 cm (21–21 in) long and varies in weight by sex. Females are smaller than males, weighing 680–870 g (24–31 oz), whereas the males weigh 820–1,077 g (28.9–38.0 oz). The plumage is a dark slate-grey with a greenish sheen on the head, a chestnut-flecked breast. The outer secondaries are tipped with white and the inner ones have black margins. The plumage of the two sexes are mostly the same, although the female has slightly less chestnut in the chest. The pinkish-white bill has fleshy flaps of skin hanging from the sides of its tip. The blue duck hatches with a green beak for just 8 hours after hatching; after which it then develops its final colour.