Chinese Sparrowhawk
A species of Bird Hawks, Also known as Grey Frog-hawk Scientific name : Accipiter soloensis Genus : Bird Hawks
Chinese Sparrowhawk, A species of Bird Hawks
Also known as:
Grey Frog-hawk
Botanical name: Accipiter soloensis
Genus: Bird Hawks
Description General Info


It is 30–36 cm in length, with the female larger than the male. Adult has prominent black wing tips. The male is grey above, white below and has red eyes. Female has rufous on breast and underwing coverts, and yellow eyes. Juvenile has grey face, brown upperparts and yellow eyes. The top underparts are streaked, while the thighs are barred. The black wing tips are not as prominent and underwings streaked (except for coverts). It feeds mainly on frogs, but will take lizards as well. Lives mainly in forests but sometime lives on edges. Population between 10000 and 100000 birds

23-33 cm (9-13 in)
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Chinese Sparrowhawk, a raptor, primarily preys on large insects, grasshoppers, and dragonflies, but also consumes lizards, beetles, frogs, and small birds. It exhibits skilled hunting techniques, capturing prey mid-air or from perches.
Chinese Sparrowhawk typically inhabit forests and wooded areas, including those that have been modified into plantations. These environments are often in proximity to paddy fields or wetlands, which are rich feeding grounds for chinese Sparrowhawk. While they can be found from sea level up to elevations of 1500 meters, they generally prefer regions below 1000 meters.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification