Puff-throated Bulbul
A species of Bearded Bulbuls and Golden-bulbuls Scientific name : Alophoixus pallidus Genus : Bearded Bulbuls and Golden-bulbuls
Puff-throated Bulbul, A species of Bearded Bulbuls and Golden-bulbuls
Botanical name: Alophoixus pallidus
Genus: Bearded Bulbuls and Golden-bulbuls
Description General Info


The puff-throated bulbul is a large (23 cm long) bulbul with olive upperparts, yellow underparts, and puffy white throat feathers. It is similar in appearance to the white-throated bulbul but with duller underparts. It has black feet and brown iris and bill. Males and females are visually indistinguishable.

25 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Puff-throated Bulbul primarily consumes berries and insects like cicadas, occasionally preys on eggs, and less frequently sips nectar. Typically forages in forest midstorey in small, noisy groups.
The puff-throated Bulbul typically inhabits broadleaf evergreen forests and open woodlands in lowland regions and foothills. These birds are often found in dense forest environments rather than in small treefall gaps. However, they may frequent areas around these gaps, especially during the breeding season. Their preference for such habitats extends across broader geographical regions characterized by tropical and subtropical climates.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

The puff-throated bulbul is a regular but not an obligate cooperative breeder. Groups can comprise one or more breeding pairs and breed either cooperatively or non-cooperatively. In cases of multiple breeding pairs in a single territory, the pairs nest separately. The female builds the nest and incubates and broods the young. Males and helpers aid in feeding the nestlings and fledglings. Nests are open cups typically located in the understorey.

Scientific Classification