Samoan Starling
A species of Pacific Starlings Scientific name : Aplonis atrifusca Genus : Pacific Starlings
Samoan Starling, A species of Pacific Starlings
Botanical name: Aplonis atrifusca
Genus: Pacific Starlings
Description General Info


The Samoan starling (Aplonis atrifusca) is a large starling of the family Sturnidae. It is found in the Samoan Islands. The species has a dark brown, glossy appearance, with a long bill. Its natural habitat is tropical moist forest on volcanic islands, where it is common and more conspicuous than the Polynesian starling, which is found in the same habitat. Vocalizations include various whistles and other sounds. This starling feeds on a variety of fruits, especially guava, and insects. Little is known of its mating or social habits, but it appears to nest year-round, in tree cavities. Its eggs are pale blue.

30 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Samoan Starling's diet consists predominantly of fruits such as guavas, bananas, and papayas, supplemented with invertebrates. Exhibiting a preference for foraging at tree tops, often in small groups or individually, samoan Starling may also consume nectar, employing a specialized brush-like tongue to probe flowers.
The habitat of samoan Starling encompasses a range of lowland environments, predominantly featuring coastal vegetation and plantation areas. This species thrives in both natural and modified landscapes, including partially logged forests and agricultural domains. It exhibits adaptability to human-altered settings, often being spotted in proximity to villages and urban centers.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type


Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Starlings Genus
Pacific Starlings Species
Samoan Starling