Pinnated Bittern
A species of Large bitterns Scientific name : Botaurus pinnatus Genus : Large bitterns
Pinnated Bittern, A species of Large bitterns
Botanical name: Botaurus pinnatus
Genus: Large bitterns
Description General Info
Photo By Alastair Rae , used under CC-BY-SA-2.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
The pinnated bittern is a large heron, measuring between 25–30 in (64–76 cm) with a weight that ranges from 554 to 1,157 g (1.2 to 2.6 lb); males typically weigh considerably more than females. Sexes are similarly plumaged, but females tend to be smaller than males and have brown instead of black on the tail. Both adults and immature birds are generally buffy, though heavily marked with cryptic patterning. Juveniles tend to have a somewhat more reddish ground color. The throat is unmarked white, the foreneck is white broadly streaked with pale brown, and the rest of the neck is buff with thin black barring. The breast and belly are white with broad pale brown streaks, while the back is buff, heavily streaked and barred with black. Rectrices are black in males and brown in females; the slate-grey remiges create a conspicuous two-toned effect in flight. The bill is stout and strong, yellowish overall with a dusky upper mandible. The bare facial skin is bright yellow, with a brown line running across the lores. The legs are greenish-yellow, and the iris is yellow.
76 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Pinnated Bittern consumes a diverse diet including fish, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, insects, and chicks. It employs stealth and patience while foraging, utilizing ambush hunting techniques primarily at dawn and dusk. Unique adaptations include a specialized hunting method, standing still or walking slowly to capture prey.
The pinnated Bittern predominantly inhabits flat, open regions, thriving in shallow freshwater ecosystems like swamps and marshes that feature tall, dense vegetation such as rushes, cattails, and reeds. Beyond natural wetlands, the pinnated Bittern often forages in human-altered landscapes including rice fields and sugar cane plantations. Its habitat extends from coastal sea-level areas to inland savannas and lakes, and while it is generally found at low elevations — typically below 400 meters — it can occasionally be spotted at higher altitudes, up to 2600 meters in specific mountainous regions.
Dite type
General Info
Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
The alternate name "South American bittern" is a bit misleading, as the species is found as far north as southern Mexico. Its range stretches from the Atlantic slope of southeastern Mexico to northern Argentina, though there are few records for Guatemala and Honduras. The species occurs mainly in low-lying regions, but has been recorded in the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia as much as 8,500 ft (2,600 m) ASL. It can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats, including dense reed beds and lake borders, flooded tall-grass pastures, marshes and overgrown ditches. Typically, the vegetation in its habitat is dominated by tall sedges (Cyperaceae), water hyacinth (Eichornia), rushes (Juncus), typical reeds (Phragmites) or cattails (Typha). It will also utilize plantations of rice (Oryza) and sugarcane (Saccharum). The pinnated bittern is largely nocturnal. Though generally solitary, it will gather in small loose groups at favored feeding areas. When frightened, it tends to freeze with its body crouched low and its head raised vertically just high enough to see. It typically flushes only at close range. Estimates of its population, and of overall population trends, are unknown. Due to its wide range, it is nonetheless regarded a species of Least Concern by the IUCN.
Species Status
Not globally threatened.
Photo By Alastair Rae , used under CC-BY-SA-2.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Birds Order
Pelicans and Relatives Family
Herons Genus
Large bitterns Species
Pinnated Bittern