Brown Songlark
A species of Striated Grassbird Scientific name : Cincloramphus cruralis Genus : Striated Grassbird
Brown Songlark, A species of Striated Grassbird
Botanical name: Cincloramphus cruralis
Genus: Striated Grassbird
Description General Info


Male brown songlarks are 23–25 cm long versus 18–19 cm for females, and may weigh 2.3 times as much. In general, the birds have a dusky pale- streaked with darker brown plumage with and pale eyebrows. The underparts are brownish-white in the female, darker brown in the male. Breeding males may display a cinnamon-colour. Its eyes and bill are black, and legs grey. Juveniles are smaller and paler with pinkish-brown bills. The call has been described as loud and creaky. The male is the principal singer, calling from perches or when rising above breeding territory.

18 - 26 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Brown Songlark primarily consumes small invertebrates like grasshoppers and beetles, as well as their larvae and a variety of small seeds. Brown Songlark forages alone or in flocks, using a mix of walking, running, and hopping to glean prey from grasses and the ground. It exhibits a unique low, undulating flight when disturbed.
The habitat of brown Songlark encompasses open, treeless grassy plains and inland saltbush steppes interspersed with shrubby cover and occasional trees. This nomadic species moves with the rainfall across arid interiors and in spring shifts south to nest in wheat fields. Roosts are typically on the ground under shrubs.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
The bird is found throughout all of Australia, except parts of the far north, and not in Tasmania. There are particularly dense populations in the southern parts of the country. It prefers open pastures and grassy scrub, and feeds on seeds and insects. The species is highly nomadic. Local numbers fluctuate depending on rainfall and the bird will often flee from drought affected areas. The brown songlark has a large range, between 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 kilometers²; while population size has not been quantified the bird is reported to be common. The IUCN thus lists it as a species of "least concern" and it is considered "secure" by Australian authorities.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Grassbirds and allies Genus
Striated Grassbird Species
Brown Songlark