Cinnamon Quail-thrush
A species of Quail-thrushes Scientific name : Cinclosoma cinnamomeum Genus : Quail-thrushes
Cinnamon Quail-thrush, A species of Quail-thrushes
Botanical name: Cinclosoma cinnamomeum
Genus: Quail-thrushes
Description General Info


Cinnamon quail-thrush have a body-length of 20 cm, and weigh up to 50 grams when fully grown. Male birds are characterised by a white eyebrow, black face and a broad white streak down the sides of a black throat. The upperparts of their body are plain cinnamon-rufous with buff-white patches on the upper breast and a broad black band below. The outer tail feathers are black with white tips. The female has similar features but duller with a buff-white throat and eyebrow. Their upper breast is grey and they have no black on the underside. Juveniles have the same markings but males may have an indistinct breast band. They have high-pitched, slightly hissing calls (voices).

22 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Cinnamon Quail-thrush forage on the ground for diverse invertebrates like grasshoppers and ants, and various seeds. These birds possess specialized feeding behaviors, showcasing unique dietary preferences.
The habitat of cinnamon Quail-thrush typically encompasses stony plains and tablelands which are characterized by sparse, low scrub vegetation. These birds are more frequently found in areas with such minimal ground cover, and they are less commonly associated with sandhill environments.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
These terrestrial birds are fairly weak fliers and prefer to squat or run when disturbed.

Distribution Area
The cinnamon quail-thrush is an Australian endemic that is typically found in arid and semi-arid regions of central Australia. These regions are defined by the presence of desert vegetation and land forms as well as by low rainfall, with less than 500 mm per annum in most areas. Its distribution size is estimated to be 831,000 kilometres square, spanning over southwest Queensland, northwest New South Wales, northeastern South Australia and the southeast of the Northern Territory. Within these areas the cinnamon quail-thrush has been found in grass and shrublands, however it is more commonly found among dry stony areas, especially around dry creek lines.

Species Status
While the cinnamon quail-thrush's population has not been measured, it is thought that species is slowly declining due to ongoing habitat degradation caused by livestock and introduced herbivores. The species is listed under least concern on the ICUN Red List of Threatened Species.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Whipbirds and wedgebills Genus
Quail-thrushes Species
Cinnamon Quail-thrush