Pied Crow
A species of Crows Scientific name : Corvus albus Genus : Crows
Pied Crow, A species of Crows
Botanical name: Corvus albus
Genus: Crows
Description People often ask General Info


It is approximately the size of the European carrion crow or a little larger (46–50 cm in length) but has a proportionately larger bill, slightly longer tail and wings, and longer legs. As its name suggests, its glossy black head and neck are interrupted by a large area of white feathering from the shoulders down to the lower breast. The tail, bill and wings are black too. The eyes are dark brown. The white plumage of immature birds is often mixed with black. It resembles the white-necked and thick-billed ravens but has a much smaller bill.

45 cm
Life Expectancy
6-20 years
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Pied Crow is an opportunistic feeder, consuming a diverse diet from the ground and trees, including insects, small reptiles, mammals, birds, eggs, grains, fruit, and carrion. Notably scavenges around slaughterhouses, even predating on roosting Fruit Bats. Its feeding behavior reflects adaptability and a preference for easy meals.
Pied Crow typically inhabits various open landscapes across Sub-Saharan Africa. Favoring environments such as grasslands, savannas, open woodlands, and areas near water bodies like riverbanks and lakeshores, pied Crow is often found in close proximity to human settlements including villages, towns, and cities. They are also known to frequent farmlands, rubbish dumps, and slaughterhouses. Pied Crow tends to avoid dense forests, deserts, and regions of high altitude, although it can be found from sea level up to 3700 m, primarily in areas below higher elevations.
Dite type

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General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Pied crows are generally encountered in pairs or small groups, although an abundant source of food may bring large numbers of birds. The species behaves in a similar manner to the hooded and carrion crows. In Dakar, birds have been observed mobbing passing ospreys and snake eagles but avoiding black kites.

Distribution Area
This species, Africa's most widespread member of the genus Corvus, occurs from Sub-Saharan Africa, specifically Nigeria, Ghana,Senegal, Sudan, Somalia Eritrea, Zambia and Zimbabwe down to the Cape of Good Hope and on the large island of Madagascar, the Comoros islands, Aldabra, Assumption Island, Cosmoledo, Astove Island, Zanzibar, Pemba and Fernando Po. It inhabits mainly open country with villages and towns nearby. It does not occur in the equatorial rainforest region. It is rarely seen very far from human habitation, though it is not as tied to the urban way of life as the house crow (Corvus splendens) of Asia, and may be encountered far from human habitation in Eritrea.

Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Crows and jays Genus
Crows Species
Pied Crow