Pied Butcherbird
A species of Typical Butcherbirds Scientific name : Cracticus nigrogularis Genus : Typical Butcherbirds
Pied Butcherbird, A species of Typical Butcherbirds
Botanical name: Cracticus nigrogularis
Genus: Typical Butcherbirds
Description People often ask General Info


Quite common throughout Australia, the pied Butcherbird is a sturdy, medium-sized songbird with distinctive black-and-white plumage. The species is famed for its singing ability - it's flute-like songs are beautiful and complex, and no two birds sing exactly alike. The species is also somewhat unusual in that it sometimes hunts in groups.
32 cm
Life Expectancy
24-30 years
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Pied Butcherbird consumes a varied diet of insects, spiders, worms, and vertebrates like frogs, skinks, mice, and small birds. They exhibit carnivorous feeding behaviors and also consume fruit, showcasing dietary versatility.
Pied Butcherbird resides mainly in open sclerophyll forests and woodlands, particularly those dominated by eucalypt and acacia species. The bird favors environments with few understory plants and is also found in shrublands and scrublands with sparse trees. In more arid regions, pied Butcherbird frequently inhabits areas adjacent to water sources, while in the north, it associates with riverine forests rich in diverse flora. Adaptably, it occupies human-altered landscapes, including farmlands and urban green spaces with mature trees.
Dite type

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General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
The pied butcherbird is thought to be monogamous, though its breeding habits have not been much studied. There is evidence of cooperative breeding, with some mated pairs being assisted by up to several other helper birds. These individuals help feed young and defend the nest. These pairs or small groups defend their territory from intruders, mobbing and chasing raptors and other birds, and occasionally dogs or people.

Distribution Area
The pied butcherbird is found across much of Australia, excepting the far south of the mainland, and Tasmania. It is only rarely recorded in the Sydney Basin, and absent from the Illawarra, Southern Tablelands and south coast of New South Wales. In Victoria it is found along the Murray Valley and west of Chiltern. In South Australia it is not found in the northeast of the state, nor on the Adelaide plain. It is found across Western Australia, though is absent from the Great Sandy Desert.

Species Status
The pied butcherbird is listed as being a species of least concern by the IUCN, on account of its large range and stable population with no evidence of any significant decline.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Butcherbirds Genus
Typical Butcherbirds Species
Pied Butcherbird