Desert Whitethroat
A species of Typical Old World Warblers Scientific name : Curruca minula Genus : Typical Old World Warblers
Desert Whitethroat, A species of Typical Old World Warblers
Botanical name: Curruca minula
Genus: Typical Old World Warblers
Description General Info


It is distinguished from Hume's and lesser whitethroats by its smaller size (12 cm length, 8–13 g weight), smaller bill, the uniformly paler grey head lacking the well-marked dark cheeks of Hume's and lesser whitethroats, and a lighter grey-brown back; in these differences it follows Gloger's rule of pale colour in arid regions. The throat is white, and the rest of the underparts pale greyish-white.

12 cm

General Info

Distribution Area
Desert whitethroat inhabits arid lowland regions from eastern Iran and Turkmenistan eastwards to Xinjiang in central China, breeding in open dry thorn scrub. The breeding range does not overlap with lesser whitethroat, occurring to the southeast of that; it does overlap geographically with Hume's whitethroat but is separated altitudinally. The desert whitethroat migrates south to the Arabian Peninsula, southern Pakistan and northwestern India in the winter, where it does overlap with wintering lesser whitethroat in many areas, and more locally with wintering Hume's whitethroat. Vagrant is Sri Lanka, recorded in single time.

Scientific Classification