Yellow-crowned Parakeet
A species of Southwest Pacific Parakeets, Also known as Kakariki Scientific name : Cyanoramphus auriceps Genus : Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Yellow-crowned Parakeet, A species of Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Also known as:
Botanical name: Cyanoramphus auriceps
Genus: Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Description General Info


Yellow-crowned parakeets are 23 cm long and primarily bright green. They have a red band fronting their eponymous golden crown. Their wings, when spread in flight, are bluish purple. Their eyes are either orange or red and their bill is grey. The males of this species are larger than the females. The females can also be distinguished from males as their bills are disproportionally smaller.

23 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Yellow-crowned Parakeet primarily feed on beech seeds, flax, and tussock, diversifying their diet with fruits, flowers, leaves, and shoots. They also consume invertebrates, showcasing varied foraging behaviors adapted to their diverse diet.
Yellow-crowned Parakeet dwell primarily within the towering canopies of continuous, dense forests, particularly favoring regions with mixed podocarp and Nothofagus species. Habitually positioned at higher elevations where forests extend, these birds exhibit a partiality for distinct upper forest strata, which may provide them with a competitive edge in evasion of predators. Their range encompasses temperate zones, including certain high-altitude grasslands and subantarctic island environments.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification