Norfolk Island Parakeet
A species of Southwest Pacific Parakeets, Also known as Norfolk Red-fronted Parakeet Scientific name : Cyanoramphus cookii Genus : Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Norfolk Island Parakeet, A species of Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Also known as:
Norfolk Red-fronted Parakeet
Botanical name: Cyanoramphus cookii
Genus: Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Description General Info


The Norfolk parakeet (Cyanoramphus cookii), also called Tasman parakeet, Norfolk Island green parrot or Norfolk Island red-crowned parakeet, is a species of parrot in the family Psittaculidae. It is endemic to Norfolk Island (located between Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia in the Tasman Sea).

Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Norfolk Island Parakeet primarily consume seeds, with a winter diet consisting over 50% from five main species including Norfolk pine and niau palm. This bird exhibits foraging behavior geared towards these plants, showcasing a unique adaptation to the region's available flora.
The habitat of norfolk Island Parakeet is closely associated with forested environments, where these birds are typically found in the remaining patches of native forest. They have adapted to various types of vegetation, including scrubland and open areas, particularly on smaller, less forested islands. These birds predominantly occupy regions with dense foliage that offer abundant food resources and nesting sites, though they are not confined to terrestrial habitats and can also be found in low coastal vegetation.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
Originally found throughout Norfolk Island (to which it is endemic), it vanished from much of its range until by 1908 it was restricted to forest around Mount Pitt in the northwestern corner of the Island. Its natural habitats are native rainforest, from which it ventures into surrounding plantations and orchards.

Species Status
Once a common species, the Norfolk parakeet had dwindled to under 50 birds by the late 1970s. Factors contributing to its decline include habitat loss, particularly of large old trees with suitable hollows for breeding, killing of eggs and young by rats and cats, shooting by early settlers, and competition for nest sites by introduced crimson rosellas and common starlings. In 1983 a captive breeding program was commenced. Although it was not successful, it spark interest in the bird's fate in the people of Norfolk Island. Between 1987 and 2000, a concerted effort to reduce rat and cat populations by trapping, and construction of nesting boxes designed to keep out rats increased parrot numbers, with around 250 young fledged. However, numbers of Norfolk parakeets were difficult to assess and concern was raised between 2009 and 2012 that it might be declining again. A census in 2009 estimated a count of 240 birds. It is only found in Norfolk Island National Park and the surrounding area. Historically it would have been preyed on by the brown goshawk until this species went extinct on the island in about 1790.

Scientific Classification