Red-crowned Parakeet
A species of Southwest Pacific Parakeets, Also known as Kakariki Scientific name : Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae Genus : Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Red-crowned Parakeet, A species of Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Also known as:
Botanical name: Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae
Genus: Southwest Pacific Parakeets
Description People often ask General Info


The red-crowned parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae), also known as red-fronted parakeet and by its Māori name of kākāriki, is a small parrot from New Zealand. It is characterised by its bright green plumage and the red pattern on its head. This versatile bird can feed on a variety food items and can be found in many habitat types. It used to be classified as near threatened as invasive predators had pushed it out of its historical range but it is now at least concern. This species used to occupy the entire island, but is now confined to only a few areas on the mainland and some offshore islands.

27 cm
Life Expectancy
12 years
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Red-crowned Parakeet primarily eat flowers, fruits, seeds, leaves, buds, and some invertebrates. Feeding varies seasonally, favoring flowers in winter/spring and seeds in summer/autumn. They forage for diverse plant materials and exhibit opportunistic feeding behaviors for invertebrates.
Red-crowned Parakeet are adaptable birds that thrive in varied environments. Their preferred habitats encompass dense temperate rainforests to coastal forests, as well as more open settings like scrublands and forest edges. These birds are generally found in forest patches at lower altitudes, particularly when sharing territories with similar species. On smaller islands, red-crowned Parakeet can adapt to scrubland and open terrain, while in treeless regions like the Antipodes, they inhabit open areas and coastal vegetation, demonstrating terrestrial tendencies.
Dite type

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General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
Red-crowned parakeets were once widespread across the North and South Island of New Zealand. Nowadays, however, most of those mainland populations have disappeared due to predation by introduced species. On the mainland, this species occurs in large forest blocks in Northland, Coromandel and central North Island. In the South Island, there has been records of them along the West, South and South-East coasts. Nevertheless, those mainland populations remain extremely scarce. The rest of the species is confined to Stewart Island/Rakiura and a number of offshore islands (such as Kapiti Island, Tiritiri Matangi Island and Matiu/Somes Island) as well as the Auckland Islands to the south. The other subspecies live on their respective islands, namely the Kermadec Islands and the Chatham Islands.

Species Status
The red-crowned parakeet was once widespread across the islands and mainland of New Zealand. It was extremely abundant during the 1880s and irruptions occurred in a number of locations. Nevertheless, their numbers dropped drastically on the mainland due to their vulnerability to introduced species, particularly stoats, rats, and possums.

Scientific Classification