Yellow-bellied Elaenia
A species of Typical Elaenias Scientific name : Elaenia flavogaster Genus : Typical Elaenias
Yellow-bellied Elaenia, A species of Typical Elaenias
Botanical name: Elaenia flavogaster
Genus: Typical Elaenias
Description General Info


Adults are 16.5 cm (6.5 in) long and weigh 24 g (0.85 oz). They have olive-brown upperparts, a white eye ring, a bushy divided crest and a white crown patch in the parting. The throat is pale and the breast greyish, with pale yellow lower underparts. The call is a nasal breeer, and the song is a wheezing zhu-zhee-zhu-zhee.

17 cm
Life Expectancy
7 years
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Yellow-bellied Elaenia primarily consumes insects and berries. They forage by gleaning foliage and occasionally by engaging in aerial sallies. Unique to their diet is a preference for certain berries during specific seasons.
Yellow-bellied Elaenia thrives in a wide range of both humid and dry wooded environments which include semi-open woodlands, secondary growths and forest edges, as well as scrub and savannah terrains. This species also adapts to human-modified landscapes, commonly spotted in brushy riverbanks, weedy clearings with trees, and vegetated urban areas like gardens. Yellow-bellied Elaenia predominantly occupies regions at elevations below 1500 meters, but can be found up to 2500 meters in the Andes.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Tyrant flycatchers Genus
Typical Elaenias Species
Yellow-bellied Elaenia