Mountain Elaenia
A species of Typical Elaenias Scientific name : Elaenia frantzii Genus : Typical Elaenias
Mountain Elaenia, A species of Typical Elaenias
Botanical name: Elaenia frantzii
Genus: Typical Elaenias
Description General Info


This tyrant flycatcher is 14–15 cm (5.5–5.9 in) long and weighs 17–20 g (0.60–0.71 oz). The upperparts are dull olive, with a narrow white eye ring. The wings are dusky with narrow yellow feather edges and two off-white wing bars. The throat and breast are yellowish grey, becoming dull yellow on the belly. Sexes are similar, but young birds are browner above, paler below and have brighter wing bars.

14 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Mountain Elaenia consumes a varied diet, primarily consisting of fruits and insects. Mountain Elaenia actively forages for its food, adopting a mix of hunting techniques tailored to these food types. Any unique feeding adaptations are inclined towards this diverse dietary intake.
The mountain Elaenia predominantly resides in open humid to semi-humid forests, including edges and overgrown clearings. These birds prefer mountainous regions rich in light secondary growth, hedgerows, and farmland sprinkled with shrubbery and trees. They are typically found at altitudes ranging from 750 to 3600 meters, with breeding occurring at the higher levels of this elevation spectrum.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
This is an inconspicuous species, with a slurred peeeeur call, longer than that of mistletoe tyrannulet, and a repetitive d’weet d’weet song. It is solitary when not breeding.

Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Tyrant flycatchers Genus
Typical Elaenias Species
Mountain Elaenia