Narrow-billed Antwren
A species of Black-bellied Antwrens Scientific name : Formicivora iheringi Genus : Black-bellied Antwrens
Narrow-billed Antwren, A species of Black-bellied Antwrens
Botanical name: Formicivora iheringi
Genus: Black-bellied Antwrens
Description General Info


The narrow-billed antwren exhibits sexual dimorphism. The male is dark grey, with a black breast. It has 2 white wing bars and white tips on the outer tail feathers. The female, however, is olive breasted and with brown wings. It has been noted that these birds also look very similar to the silvery-flanked antwren.

12 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Narrow-billed Antwren primarily consumes a variety of insects, including orthopterans and lepidopterans, and likely feeds on spiders as well. Narrow-billed Antwren forages methodically by hopping and pausing to scan for prey, from ground level to 12 meters up, usually alone or in loose mixed-species groups. Notable for acrobatic gleaning, narrow-billed Antwren reaches for prey with quick bill movements, often hanging headfirst or making short sallies for under-leaf insects. Occasionally, narrow-billed Antwren may attend army ant swarms.
The narrow-billed Antwren typically inhabits the understorey and mid-storey of tropical deciduous hill forests. This species favors environments with dense layers of mid-storey trees interlaced with abundant vines. The habitat is characterized by scattered larger trees, a relatively open understorey rich in lianas, and areas populated with large terrestrial bromeliads.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
The narrow-billed antwren is a tree living bird, and is found in pairs or small mixed flocks. It engages in gleaning behavior while foraging and sometimes uses its tail to scare insects into flight.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Antbirds Genus
Black-bellied Antwrens Species
Narrow-billed Antwren