Spot-winged Thrush
A species of Ground Thrushes and Allies Scientific name : Geokichla spiloptera Genus : Ground Thrushes and Allies
Spot-winged Thrush, A species of Ground Thrushes and Allies
Botanical name: Geokichla spiloptera
Genus: Ground Thrushes and Allies
Description General Info


The spot-winged thrush, (Geokichla spiloptera), is an Asian thrush, a group within the large thrush family Turdidae. It is an endemic resident breeder in Sri Lanka. This uncommon species breeds in hill rainforests, and to a lesser extent in drier woodlands, at altitudes between 500 and 2000 m. The wintering areas are similar but include less well-wooded areas, and are generally at 750 to 1500 m altitude. The spot-winged thrush is generally solitary and can be quite secretive, especially in the dense undergrowth and bamboo clumps it favours. Spot-winged thrushes are omnivorous, but eat far more insects than fruit. They feed on the ground. Adults of this medium-sized thrush, which measures 21 to 27 cm (8.3 to 10.6 in) in total length and weighs 70 g (2.5 oz) are light brown above with a double wing bar of white spots. The pale face has two dark bars. The underparts are white with heavy spotting. The bill is black and legs are yellow. The song is a rich and varied whistling. Young birds have buff streaking on the upperparts, and the face and the underparts are light brown with heavy streaking. The loose cup nests are lined with vegetation and placed in a tree fork. 2-3 buff or bluish-green eggs are laid. This species raises two broods each year.

23 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Spot-winged Thrush primarily consumes small invertebrates like earthworms, insects, and their pupae, as well as fruit including wild breadfruit. Spot-winged Thrush forages terrestrially, turning leaf litter to probe soil and peck at surface prey, occasionally catching insects midair.
The habitat of spot-winged Thrush includes primary moist evergreen forests, areas of selective logging, and secondary regrowth. It is also found in cardamom jungles, cacao plantations, and bamboo thickets, often near forest edges adjoining tea plantations and tall scrublands. Furthermore, spot-winged Thrush inhabits copses and gardens that border forested areas in humid regions, with a historical presence in riverine forests within drier zones.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type


Scientific Classification