Genovesa Ground Finch
A species of Ground Finches and Cactus Finches Scientific name : Geospiza acutirostris Genus : Ground Finches and Cactus Finches
Genovesa Ground Finch, A species of Ground Finches and Cactus Finches
Botanical name: Geospiza acutirostris
Genus: Ground Finches and Cactus Finches
Description General Info


The Genovesa ground finch (Geospiza acutirostris) is a small bird native to the Galápagos Islands. It was considered a subspecies of the sharp-beaked ground finch (Geospiza difficilis) endemic to Genovesa Islands. The International Ornithologists' Union has split the species. Other taxonomic authorities still consider it conspecific.

Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Genovesa Ground Finch forages mainly on arthropods and seeds from specific trees such as Croton, Cordia, and Bursera, as well as Opuntia flowers. Nestlings are predominantly fed caterpillars, spiders, and Croton seeds, highlighting a diet adapted to their environment.
The genovesa Ground Finch is commonly found in arid lowland areas characterized by dry scrub vegetation. Its environment typically features an abundance of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia), which plays a significant role in its habitat.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

Scientific Classification