Large Ground Finch
A species of Ground Finches and Cactus Finches Scientific name : Geospiza magnirostris Genus : Ground Finches and Cactus Finches
Large Ground Finch, A species of Ground Finches and Cactus Finches
Botanical name: Geospiza magnirostris
Genus: Ground Finches and Cactus Finches
Description General Info


The large ground finch (Geospiza magnirostris) is a species of bird. One of Darwin's finches, it is now placed in the family Thraupidae and was formerly in the Emberizidae. It is endemic to the Galapagos Islands, and is found in the arid zone of most of the archipelago, though it is absent from the southeastern islands (Floreana, Española, San Cristóbal and Santa Fé). It is the largest species of Darwin's finch both in total size and size of beak. It has a large, short beak for cracking nuts to get food.

16 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Large Ground Finch consumes large seeds, fruits, and caterpillars. Displays overlap in food selection with related species during nesting, feeding nestlings a mixed diet. Unique bill size allows consumption of Bursera graveolens seeds, unlike smaller-billed counterparts. Seed size in diet corresponds with bill size, particularly outside breeding season.
The large Ground Finch is typically found in arid scrub habitats within lowland areas. These environments are characterized by dry, sparse vegetation with a lack of dense tree cover, providing the large Ground Finch with suitable foraging grounds. The bird principally occupies broad geographical regions where such arid ecosystems prevail.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification