Crow Honeyeater
A species of Giant Forest Honeyeaters and Allies Scientific name : Gymnomyza aubryana Genus : Giant Forest Honeyeaters and Allies
Crow Honeyeater, A species of Giant Forest Honeyeaters and Allies
Botanical name: Gymnomyza aubryana
Genus: Giant Forest Honeyeaters and Allies
Description General Info


The crow honeyeater (Gymnomyza aubryana) is a very large honeyeater endemic to humid forests in New Caledonia in the South Pacific. The species measures 35 to 42.5 cm (13.8–16.7 in). It has orange facial wattles. It superficially resembles a crow with its glossy black plumage and a curved beak. Crow honeyeaters have long rounded wings and a long tail and neck. Their bill is long and bicolored – yellow below, black above. It has a loud, ringing call, which is predominantly heard in the early mornings. It is relatively inconspicuous, and lives either in pairs or alone. It forages for invertebrates and nectar in the canopy and midstory. This bird is critically endangered due to introduced rats. Extensive surveys have only found it in the Parc de la Rivière Bleue area, on the slopes of the Kouakoué, in the Pourina and Ouiné valleys, at Rivière Blanche and on the slopes of Mont Pouédihi and Mt Panie. It is spread throughout the island, though mostly in the south. It is estimated that there are between 50 and 249 birds left.

43 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Crow Honeyeater predominantly consumes insects like beetles and flies, large spiders, and nectar from flowers. Typically forages alone or in pairs within the canopy, actively navigating branch ends to feed, showcasing inconspicuous behavior and a preference for flowering trees.
The crow Honeyeater predominantly inhabits dense, humid primary rainforests commonly found on ultrabasic soils. It can also be observed in dry forests and has been recorded in distinct environments such as niaouli savanna woodlands and highly endangered sclerophyll forests, which are limited in geographic extent. Additionally, the crow Honeyeater may occupy isolated patches of stunted forest within maquis areas close to larger expanses of forest.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type


Scientific Classification