Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler
A species of Grasshopper-warblers and allies Scientific name : Helopsaltes ochotensis Genus : Grasshopper-warblers and allies
Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler, A species of Grasshopper-warblers and allies
Botanical name: Helopsaltes ochotensis
Genus: Grasshopper-warblers and allies
Description General Info


15.5 cm (6.1 in) length. Crown, nape, lores, eye-stripe greyish brown. Mantle browner and more olive. Supercilium pale creamy extending to ear coverts. Rump and uppertail coverts more yellowish or rufous brown. Graduated, white-tipped tail may appear rounded. Voice: Song; high-pitched, spaced chit, chit, precedes trilled trrrrrrrr-schoy-schoy-schoy, call; tluk, tluk,.... also a short song flight. Habitat: Forests near water and scrubwoods.

15 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler primarily consumes insects, employing ground foraging techniques. Unique adaptations include a specialized bill for gleaning prey from foliage and a preference for hunting during dawn and dusk.
Damp grassland, shrubbery, willow thickets, thick vegetation around coves, marshes, lake edges, tall grass, dwarf bamboo on exposed coastal headlands and islands, moist forest glades, wet areas in river valleys and on hillsides, subalpine meadows, damp scrub, grassland, wet ditches, freshwater marshes with low emergent vegetation
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Bird Feeder Type

Recording location: Japan

Scientific Classification