White-throated Swallow
A species of Typical swallows Scientific name : Hirundo albigularis Genus : Typical swallows
White-throated Swallow, A species of Typical swallows
Botanical name: Hirundo albigularis
Genus: Typical swallows
Description General Info


The white-throated swallow is 14–17 cm long. It has glossy dark blue upperparts and a bright chestnut crown. A dark blue-black breast band separates the white throat from the greyish white underparts and underwing coverts. The upper wings, underwing flight feathers and forked tail are blackish-blue, but the undertail has white patches near the feather tips. The white throat and blackish breast band are distinctions from similar Hirundo species. The outer feathers are slightly longer in the male than the female. Juveniles are duller than the adult, with shorter outer tail feathers and a browner crown. The call is a mix of warbles and twitters.

17 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
White-throated Swallow primarily consumes flying insects, captured with agile, acrobatic flight maneuvers. It showcases unique aerial hunting techniques during foraging.
White-throated Swallow typically inhabit open landscapes such as grasslands and open woodlands, often near water sources like rivers and wetlands. They are adaptable birds and can also be found in floodplains and human settlements, including agricultural lands and areas with man-made structures. These species are indigenous to the broader geographical region of southern Africa, and they show migratory patterns, moving to different areas within the region across seasons, with a preference for highland elevations during breeding times.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
The swallow breeds in southern Africa from Angola and Zambia southwards to the Cape in South Africa. It is mainly migratory, wintering in Angola, Zambia and southern Zaire. This is a bird of open country and grassland, with a preference for highlands and nearby water. It is often found around man-made structures.

Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Swallows Genus
Typical swallows Species
White-throated Swallow