Varied Triller
A species of Trillers and allies Scientific name : Lalage leucomela Genus : Trillers and allies
Varied Triller, A species of Trillers and allies
Botanical name: Lalage leucomela
Genus: Trillers and allies
Description General Info


The varied triller (Lalage leucomela) like its better-known relative the white-winged triller, is a smaller member of the cuckoo-shrike family, Campephagidae. Varied trillers prefer warm, reasonably moist environments and are found in New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago, along much of the tropical and sub-tropical coastal hinterland of eastern Australia, from about the Sydney area to the tip of Cape York Peninsula, in the moister part of the Kimberley, and throughout the Top End. Common to very common in the north, they are uncommon to rare in the colder south. Typical habitat is rainforest, vine forest, riverine thickets, eucalypt forest and woodland, with a particular preference for the border areas between closed and open forests. Varied trillers work their way slowly and methodically through foliage at any level (sometimes on the ground), searching in pairs or small groups for insects and fruit, and making repeated rolling contact calls almost continuously. The Mussau triller, L. conjuncta was formerly considered a subspecies.

20 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Varied Triller primarily consumes caterpillars, grasshoppers, fruits, berries, and seeds, with a particular fondness for figs. Varied Triller forages in the canopy, often in pairs or trios, using gleaning, sallying, and flutter-chasing to capture insects from foliage.
The varied Triller primarily inhabits tropical and subtropical environments, with a preference for lush rainforests, monsoon forests, and dense eucalypt forests. These birds are also found in gallery forests and at the edges of forests, as well as in secondary growth areas. Their habitat range extends to woodlands, dense savannas, thicket regions, and mangroves, thriving even in human-modified landscapes like gardens.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Cuckoo-shrikes Genus
Trillers and allies Species
Varied Triller