Jobi Manucode
A species of Typical manucodes Scientific name : Manucodia jobiensis Genus : Typical manucodes
Jobi Manucode, A species of Typical manucodes
Botanical name: Manucodia jobiensis
Genus: Typical manucodes


The Jobi manucode is medium-sized, up to 34 cm long, greenish blue, black and purple-glossed with red iris, lightly crinkled bluish short upper breast and neck feathers. Both sexes are similar in appearance, however the female is slightly smaller and duller. This species resembles the crinkle-collared manucode in appearance, distinguished by its neck feathers and by having a shorter tail than the latter species.

31 - 34 cm

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Birds-of-paradise Genus
Typical manucodes Species
Jobi Manucode