Hooded Robin
A species of Hooded and Dusky Robins Scientific name : Melanodryas cucullata Genus : Hooded and Dusky Robins
Hooded Robin, A species of Hooded and Dusky Robins
Botanical name: Melanodryas cucullata
Genus: Hooded and Dusky Robins
Description General Info


The hooded robin is around 16 cm (6 in) in length. The male has a distinctive pied coloration; with a black head and neck ("hood"), white chest and underparts, and black wings with white wing-bars. The eyes, bill, and feet are also black. The female is an undistinguished grey-brown above, with a pale grey throat and paler underneath, and dark brown wings and white wing-bars. Juveniles are similar to females.

18 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Hooded Robin's primary diet consists of insects and small arthropods, occasionally eating seeds. They forage mainly on the ground, frequently pouncing from low perches. Hooded Robin shows a seasonal change in perch height, with ground-level foraging increasing in winter. Dietary adaptations include pouncing and ground-gleaning, plus less frequent bark gleaning and aerial flycatching in colder months. They may also join mixed-species flocks during winter.
The habitat of hooded Robin generally consists of lightly timbered woodlands and shrublands, predominantly featuring eucalypt (Eucalyptus) and acacia (Acacia) species. These birds are typically found in environments such as mallee, mulga, and mixed open woodlands, extending from semi-arid and arid zones into temperate regions, often near clearings.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
It is found across the Australian continent, though not in Cape York nor Tasmania; its natural habitat is Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation.

Species Status
Hooded robins are not listed as threatened on the Australian Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. However, their conservation status varies from state to state within Australia. For example: The hooded robin is listed as threatened on the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act (1988). Under this Act, an Action Statement for the recovery and future management of this species has not yet been prepared. On the 2013 advisory list of threatened vertebrate fauna in Victoria, the hooded robin is listed as near threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Australasian robins Genus
Hooded and Dusky Robins Species
Hooded Robin