Speckled Boobook
A species of Asian and Australasian Hawk-owls and Boobooks Scientific name : Ninox punctulata Genus : Asian and Australasian Hawk-owls and Boobooks
Speckled Boobook, A species of Asian and Australasian Hawk-owls and Boobooks
Botanical name: Ninox punctulata
Genus: Asian and Australasian Hawk-owls and Boobooks
Photo By Don Roberson
The speckled boobook, also called the Oriental hawk-owl, (Ninox punctulata) is a small owl at 17–20 cm. It is a reddish-brown hawk owl with a white-spotted head, back and wings, a white throat patch, black facial disk, and white eyebrows. This owl is found on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia and lives mainly in forests near streams, open woodland, and cultivated regions with scattered trees. It is mainly found at altitudes lower than 1100 meters, but is occasionally seen at up to 2300 meters above sea level. It is fairly common throughout its range.
27 cm
Photo By Don Roberson