Tristram's Starling
A species of Red-winged Starlings and Allies Scientific name : Onychognathus tristramii Genus : Red-winged Starlings and Allies
Tristram's Starling, A species of Red-winged Starlings and Allies
Botanical name: Onychognathus tristramii
Genus: Red-winged Starlings and Allies
Description General Info


A member of the genus Onychognathus, it is 25 cm long (including a 9 cm tail), with a wingspan of 44–45 cm, and a weight of 100–140 g. The males have glossy iridescent black plumage with orange patches on the outer wing, which are particularly noticeable in flight. The bill and legs are black. Females and young birds are similar but duller and with a greyish head, lacking the plumage gloss.

25 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Tristram's Starling's diet comprises primarily fruits and insects, with occasional small snails and household scraps. It forages fruits from a variety of plants, hunts diverse insects, and scavenges food from urban areas. Notably, it grooms large mammals to consume ticks. Tristram's Starling feeds individually or in groups, sometimes forming large non-breeding roosts.
Tristram's Starling typically occupies arid desert regions characterized by desolate, rocky landscapes, which are indicative of its physiological adaptations to such environments. Additionally, this species displays a level of urban adaptability, being frequently encountered within cityscapes and urban surroundings.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification