Philippine Oriole
A species of Old world orioles Scientific name : Oriolus steerii Genus : Old world orioles
Philippine Oriole, A species of Old world orioles
Botanical name: Oriolus steerii
Genus: Old world orioles
Description General Info


The Philippine oriole is a yellowish-brown bird with mainly thin feathers on the upper side of its body, a red beak and red eyes as well.

20 cm

General Info

This species, as much like with other orioles, tend to have a diet of mainly grass, flowers and similar food.

Distribution Area
Endemic to the Philippines, the Philippine oriole is found in forest, forest edge and second growth in the lowlands of Masbate, Samar, Leyte, Semirara Island, Negros, Bohol, Mindanao, Basilan and the Sulu Archipelago.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Old world orioles Genus
Old world orioles Species
Philippine Oriole