Pheasant Pigeon
A species of Pheasant Pigeon Scientific name : Otidiphaps nobilis Genus : Pheasant Pigeon
Pheasant Pigeon, A species of Pheasant Pigeon
Botanical name: Otidiphaps nobilis
Genus: Pheasant Pigeon
Description General Info
The pheasant pigeon resembles a pheasant in external morphology, particularly in its laterally compressed tail and the rounded wings. They have glossy black heads, undersides, rears and lower backs, and short rounded brown wings, and a white, green, grey, or black nape depending on the subspecies. No galliform birds occur in New Guinea, and the pheasant pigeon has filled the ecological niche of a partridge or small pheasant (while the larger Goura crowned pigeons have a lifestyle similar to larger pheasants, grouse or turkeys). It is a highly secretive species, feeding on seeds and fallen fruits. It nests on the ground below trees and bushes, laying one egg that it incubates for around four weeks. Both adults incubate and look after the young, feeding regurgitated crop milk to their young (a common practice for most pigeons). They have a range of calls including a drilling- like sound, a typical pigeon cooing call and a loud "wu-huwoooooa" call which rises and falls in pitch before trailing off at the end. They are found in rainforest habitats, eating fallen fruits and seeds, in the Aru Islands. As they avoid human settlements, the little that is known about their behavior comes from observation at zoos.
50 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Pheasant Pigeon primarily consumes fallen fruits and seeds, foraging on the forest floor using a methodical search technique. This species exhibits unique dietary preferences compared to other birds, favoring a diet rich in these plant-based items.
Pheasant Pigeon are predominantly found in primary rainforests within hilly and lower montane regions, but can also inhabit the lowlands. These birds occupy broad geographical areas across New Guinea and surrounding islands, usually at elevations ranging from sea level up to 1900 meters, with occasional sightings at higher elevations up to 2600 meters. Pheasant Pigeon favor primary forests and demonstrate a preference for terrestrial life, often seen solo or in pairs foraging on the forest floor.
Dite type
General Info
Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
The green-naped pheasant pigeon (nominate subspecies) and the grey-naped pheasant pigeon are not considered threatened, although the black-naped pheasant pigeon is considered endangered and the white-naped pheasant pigeon is vulnerable. The black-naped pheasant pigeon is known to science only from the type specimen, collected in 1882, despite a recent (August 2019) survey. It is believed that the species is undergoing slow declines due to the deforestation of their habitats due to pressure for logging and agricultural space. Because it is tied to primary forests, and is unique within the pigeon family, it is considered a genus that requires further investigation and monitoring.
Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Birds Order
Pigeons and doves Family
Dove Genus
Pheasant Pigeon Species
Pheasant Pigeon