Reddish Hermit
A species of Typical hermits Scientific name : Phaethornis ruber Genus : Typical hermits
Reddish Hermit, A species of Typical hermits
Botanical name: Phaethornis ruber
Genus: Typical hermits
Description General Info


The reddish hermit (Phaethornis ruber) is a species of bird in the family Trochilidae, the hummingbirds. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and in the Guianas. At 7.5 cm (3 in) and a weight under 3 grams, it is among the smallest of the hermits and smallest birds overall. Its natural habitats are forest and woodland, primarily humid.

9 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Reddish Hermit sustains itself primarily on nectar and small arthropods, with a penchant for robbing nectar by piercing flower bases. Regularly visits plants like Trichanthera and Costus, and exhibits trap-lining foraging behavior.
The reddish Hermit thrives in the understorey of various forest types, including lowland and pre-montane rainforests on terra firme, várzea and semi-deciduous forests as well as their edges and isolated forest patches within more open areas. It is also found in cerrado and savanna woodlands, dense thickets, and secondary growths across broader tropical regions.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
The majority of the reddish hermit's range, in northern and central South America, is the entire Amazon Basin to the foothill drainages of the eastern Andes slope. The Caribbean and Atlantic coasts of the entire Guianas are included in the northeast; in the southeast, the southeastern limit is the eastern banks of the Tocantins River in the Araguaia-Tocantins River system, usually included as part of the Amazon Basin. The countries included in the bird's range in the western Amazon Basin drainage are Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Besides the reddish hermit's range in the Amazon Basin, to the northwest it is found in southern and eastern Venezuela adjacent to the Guianas; this is most of the eastern portions of Venezuela's Orinoco River drainage. A second large contiguous and disjunct range exists on the southeastern Atlantic coastal strip of Brazil, up to about 350 km wide, for about 4,500 km. The strip extends from northeastern states Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba in the north, to southern São Paulo state. This coastal strip avoids most of the interior Cerrado region.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Swifts and hummingbirds Family
Hummingbirds Genus
Typical hermits Species
Reddish Hermit