Black-backed Grosbeak
A species of Typical New World Grosbeaks Scientific name : Pheucticus aureoventris Genus : Typical New World Grosbeaks
Black-backed Grosbeak, A species of Typical New World Grosbeaks
Botanical name: Pheucticus aureoventris
Genus: Typical New World Grosbeaks
Description General Info
The black-backed grosbeak (Pheucticus aureoventris) is a large finch-type bird found in South America in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. They are often kept as cagebirds.
22 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Black-backed Grosbeak's diet primarily comprises berries, seeds (notably of Polymnia pyramidalis), and insects. Although insects constitute less than 5% of stomach contents in some regions, black-backed Grosbeak actively forages for food solitarily or in pairs, spanning heights from treetops to the ground, often around fruitful trees.
The black-backed Grosbeak predominantly inhabits arid to semi-arid scrublands and open woodlands, where it can also be found in well-vegetated gardens. Its preferred habitats are generally drier compared to its close relative, P. chrysogaster, although both species can occasionally share the same environment. This bird is also known to occupy humid scrub ravines, forested areas, and regions characterized by Chaco vegetation within broader geographically arid zones.
Dite type
General Info
Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.