White-browed Sparrow-weaver
A species of Sparrow-weavers Scientific name : Plocepasser mahali Genus : Sparrow-weavers
White-browed Sparrow-weaver, A species of Sparrow-weavers
Botanical name: Plocepasser mahali
Genus: Sparrow-weavers
Description General Info


It ranges from 17 to 19 cm (6.7 to 7.5 in) in length and is characterized by a broad, white eyebrow stripe and white rump visible in flight. While the male white-browed sparrow-weaver sports a black bill, the female's bill is horn-colored (light gray); that of the juvenile is pinkish-brown. In Zimbabwe, the white-browed sparrow-weaver shows faint brown spotting across its white breast.

17 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
White-browed Sparrow-weaver primarily forages on the ground, eating insects like termites and beetles, and various seeds, showing regional and seasonal diet variations. They also consume cereal crops, with grain and scrap intake at camp-sites. They exhibit unique hunting by rolling stones and rarely drink in arid regions.
The white-browed Sparrow-weaver typically resides in dry regions encompassing woodland or wooded grasslands, predominantly within savanna habitats marked by species such as mopane and acacia. These birds are frequently found in areas with an annual rainfall above 600 mm and at elevations generally below 1400 meters, though they can be observed up to 1900 meters. Their geographical distribution extends broadly across north-central southern Africa, with a preference for environments like thornveld and arid riverbanks, where they are known to establish colonial nests.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
The white-browed sparrow-weaver is found in greatest numbers in north-central southern Africa. While this species most densely populates dry regions with woodland or wooded grassland at northern South Africa, its range includes Botswana, northern and central Namibia, and western Zimbabwe. It is seen very often in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia and southern Malawi. Populations may be found as far north as Ethiopia. Populations are sedentary. This species nests in colonies along thornveld and scrubby, dry riverbanks.

Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Old world sparrows Genus
Sparrow-weavers Species
White-browed Sparrow-weaver