Black-breasted Weaver
A species of Typical weavers, Also known as Black-throated Weaver Scientific name : Ploceus benghalensis Genus : Typical weavers
Black-breasted Weaver, A species of Typical weavers
Also known as:
Black-throated Weaver
Botanical name: Ploceus benghalensis
Genus: Typical weavers
Description General Info
Photo By Rofikul Islam
It is sparrow-sized with a length of about 15 cm. Appearance: The male in breeding plumage has a brilliant golden-yellow crown and a variable amount of black on the head and breast; some males have an entirely black head (apart from the yellow crown) and breast, while others have a white throat or an entirely white face with a black band separating it from the fulvous-white underparts. In the non-breeding male and female, the crown is brown like the rest of the upperpart plumage, and the black pectoral band is less developed. It has a prominent supercilium, a spot behind ear, and narrow moustachial streaks, which are pale yellow. Flocks frequent cultivation and the reedy margins of tanks and jheels (shallow lakes), or extensive tall grass areas. Behaviour: It is polygynous and colonial, and on the whole similar to that of the baya and streaked weavers. Courtship: Male constructs the nest single-handedly, with a group of females visiting it during late construction stage, jumping on the helmets, tugging and testing, presumably for strength. If a female appears interested, the male bows low before her, presenting his golden crown to her. He flaps his wings deliberately and sings softly tsi-tsisik-tsisik-tsik-tsik, like the chirp of a cricket or the subdued squeaking of an unoiled bicycle wheel. Once the female agrees and permits copulation, he quickly completes the rest of the nest, and she lays her eggs inside. He immediately commences a second nest nearby to attract other females, and occasionally a third nest, or very rarely a fourth. Nests not accepted by females may be torn down by the builder himself.
15 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Black-breasted Weaver primarily consumes seeds, favoring millet; its young feed on insects and small invertebrates. Black-breasted Weaver forages in flocks, sometimes alongside other species, exhibiting gregarious behavior.
The black-breasted Weaver primarily occupies lowland grasslands that are in proximity to water bodies. These habitats feature abundant tall grasses and reeds, essential for their nesting. Characteristically, these regions experience periodic flooding, which maintains the wetland environment that the black-breasted Weaver favors for its survival.
Dite type
General Info
Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
Resident or local migrant, endemic to South Asia. Species is described as 'common' in at least parts of its range. It is found throughout northern part of Indian subcontinent. Local Names: Hindi: Sarbo baya, Bengali: কালোবুক বাবুই (Kalo-buk babui), বাংলা বাবুই (Bangla babui), শর বাজা (Shor baJa), কান্তাওয়ালা বায়া (Kantawala baya).
Photo By Rofikul Islam
Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Weavers Genus
Typical weavers Species
Black-breasted Weaver