Black-headed Parrotbill
A species of Psittiparus Parrotbills Scientific name : Psittiparus margaritae Genus : Psittiparus Parrotbills
Black-headed Parrotbill, A species of Psittiparus Parrotbills
Botanical name: Psittiparus margaritae
Genus: Psittiparus Parrotbills
Description General Info


The black-headed parrotbill (Psittiparus margaritae) is a bird species often placed with the Old World babblers (family Timaliidae) or in a distinct family Paradoxornithidae, but it actually seems to belong to the Sylviidae. It is found in eastern Cambodia and southern Vietnam. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.

15 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Black-headed Parrotbill's diet details are sparse but presumed to mirror P. gularis, likely feeding on a variety of insects and seeds. Black-headed Parrotbill are social, foraging in large, swift groups across vegetation layers, employing adaptive behaviors to access food.
The habitat of black-headed Parrotbill generally comprises dense broadleaf evergreen forests and areas of secondary growth, as well as scrublands adjacent to forested regions. Additionally, these birds inhabit grassy clearings and scrub within pine forests, and are particularly associated with bamboo-thicket environments. Black-headed Parrotbill is found in regions characterized by a combination of these habitat features, without a specific focus on elevation.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Sylvia babblers Genus
Psittiparus Parrotbills Species
Black-headed Parrotbill