Satin Bowerbird
A species of Satin Bowerbird Scientific name : Ptilonorhynchus violaceus Genus : Satin Bowerbird
Satin Bowerbird, A species of Satin Bowerbird
Botanical name: Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
Genus: Satin Bowerbird
Description People often ask General Info


Mature males have violet-blue eyes and are uniformly coloured black, however, light diffraction by the surface texture of the feathers results in an almost metallic sheen giving a deep shiny blue appearance. Immature males are coloured and marked the same as females and are often mistaken for them. Females might be mistaken for the green catbird or spotted catbird with distinctively green/brown or otherwise entirely brown upper body and lighter under body with a distinct reticulated or scalloped pattern, but with very striking blue eyes.

32 - 33 cm
Life Expectancy
20-30 years

Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Satin Bowerbird, primarily frugivorous, consumes fruit, leaves, seeds, and insects. Nestlings fed beetles, grasshoppers, and cicadas. Adaptable to introduced plants, satin Bowerbird aids in dispersing weed seeds but may raid crops. Aggressive foragers, they often displace others in fruit trees.
Satin Bowerbird's habitat predominantly encompasses humid forests and woodlands, including rainforests and the adjacent taller sclerophyll woodlands with an understory of saplings. They display a notable preference for forest edges but can also venture into more open areas such as parks, gardens, and orchards. Bowers, an essential part of their mating ritual, are typically found dispersed throughout these rainforest and woodland environments.
Dite type

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General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

Distribution Area
The satin bowerbird is common in rainforest and tall wet sclerophyll forest in eastern Australia from southern Queensland to Victoria. There is also an isolated population in the Wet Tropics of north Queensland.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Bowerbirds Genus
Satin Bowerbird Species
Satin Bowerbird