Fiery-shouldered Parakeet
A species of Lesser Neotropical Parakeets Scientific name : Pyrrhura egregia Genus : Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Fiery-shouldered Parakeet, A species of Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Botanical name: Pyrrhura egregia
Genus: Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Description General Info


The fiery-shouldered parakeet grows to a length of about 26 cm (10 in) and weighs about 75 g (2.6 oz). In the nominate subspecies (P. e. egregia), the head is grey and the neck and upper parts of the body and wings are green. The front edge of the wing and the underwing coverts are yellow with orange markings. The breast is green barred with brown and yellowish-white. The central part of the abdomen is reddish-brown, as is the upper side of the tail while the underside of the tail is grey. The eye is brown and surrounded by bare white skin, and the beak is horn-coloured. In the other subspecies, P. e. obscura, the upper parts are a deeper shade of green and there is little or no bright colour on the abdomen.

25 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Detailed diet information for fiery-shouldered Parakeet is currently unavailable. Further research is needed to specify their feeding behaviors and dietary preferences.
The fiery-shouldered Parakeet predominantly inhabits the forested areas surrounding tepuí formations, including both the dense forests and their fringes. These regions are characterized by unique tabletop mountains that provide a variety of ecological niches. The species thrives in these lush, biodiverse environments where it finds both food and nesting opportunities.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

The fiery-shouldered parakeet is usually seen in small groups of up to 25 individuals. They fly fast and agilely between trees, often emitting shrill cries when they take off. They are rather shy and are adept at hiding themselves among the foliage. They forage in the canopy for plant material and particularly appreciate feeding on Cecropia trees. Little is known of the breeding habits of these birds.

Distribution Area
The fiery-shouldered parakeet is endemic to an area of tropical rainforest in South America that includes Bolivia, Guyana, Brazil and Venezuela. Its total area of occupancy is about 50,000 square kilometres (19,000 sq mi) and includes part of the Canaima National Park. The subspecies P. e. egregia is found in southeastern Venezuela and southwestern Guyana while P. e. obscura occurs in southern Venezuela and northeastern Brazil. These parrots are found in primary and secondary forests at altitudes between 700 and 1,800 metres (2,300 and 5,900 ft) and also woodland verges, sometimes visiting parks and gardens.

Species Status
Although the fiery-shouldered parakeet has a restricted range it has been described as being "fairly common". Its rainforest habitat is under threat from logging and its numbers are thought to be declining, however the rate of decline is slow and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed the bird as being of "least concern".

Scientific Classification