Crimson-bellied Parakeet
A species of Lesser Neotropical Parakeets Scientific name : Pyrrhura perlata Genus : Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Crimson-bellied Parakeet, A species of Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Botanical name: Pyrrhura perlata
Genus: Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Description General Info


Pyrrhura perlata adults are partly green in colour. They have yellow/green cheeks, turning to blue on lower cheeks. The breast is brown with pale off-white and dark brown barring. Crimson-bellied parakeets have a blue collar around their hindnecks, varying with each bird. They have red bend of wing, lesser underwing coverts; blue thighs to tail coverts The tail is brown/red. Pyrrhura perlata has a brown/grey beak. Its eye ring are bare and white. Its eyes are dark brown. Crimson-bellied conures weigh about 85–94 g.

24 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Crimson-bellied Parakeet's diet mainly includes fruits such as Trema micrantha and Cecropia, flowers like Bertholletia excelsa, and various palms. They exhibit foraging behaviors in dense vegetation and have a preference for secondary forests and forest margins.
The crimson-bellied Parakeet predominantly resides in lowland tropical rainforests, with a preference for dense forest margins and areas of secondary vegetation. This species thrives in humid, terra firme forests and shows an affinity for fig-dominated woodlands, typically within broader regions featuring substantial rainfall and biodiverse ecosystems.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

Distribution Area
It is found in the south-central Amazon rainforest in Brazil and Bolivia. It remains locally fairly common, but is threatened by accelerating deforestation in its range and consequently considered to be vulnerable by the IUCN.

Scientific Classification