Rose-headed Parakeet
A species of Lesser Neotropical Parakeets Scientific name : Pyrrhura rhodocephala Genus : Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Rose-headed Parakeet, A species of Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Botanical name: Pyrrhura rhodocephala
Genus: Lesser Neotropical Parakeets
Description General Info


The rose-crowned parakeet is a small parrot, measuring 24 cm long with a wing length of 13 to 14.2 cm, tail 9.7 to 11.5 cm, and bill 1.6 to 1.8 cm long, with a tarsus length of 1.4 to 1.6 cm. As an adult it is mainly green; its bright red cap and white primary coverts (blue in juveniles) help to distinguish it from all other long-tailed, small parrot species in South America. It has blue primaries and a red tail and the sexes are alike. No other members of the genus Pyrrhura occur in its range. The painted parakeet also has red on its head but has bold, scaly patterns on its breast and throat. The bare skin around the eye is white.

25 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Rose-headed Parakeet primarily consumes a variety of fruits, seeds, and nuts, complemented by blossoms and leaf buds. This bird forages in flocks in the canopy, adeptly using its beak to extract food. It shows a particular fondness for certain berries and fruits found in its habitat.
The rose-headed Parakeet is commonly found in diverse mountainous habitats, including cloud forests and elfin woodlands. These birds also adapt to human-altered environments, such as secondary growth and areas with partial clearance.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

The rose-crowned parakeet is gregarious, forming noisy flocks of 10–30 birds when not breeding, and gathers in larger numbers to roost. It makes movements each day, but the species is probably resident. The voice is described as "harsh [and] reedy", though “apparently quieter than other Pyrrhura conures." The flight is "swift and direct.” Nothing is known of the species' diet, though it is suspected to eat berries, seeds, fruits and flowers. It is thought to breed in April, May and June, probably laying 4–6 eggs.

Distribution Area
It is endemic to Venezuela, found only in the Andes of the north-west in the Cordillera de Mérida, from Táchira to Trujillo. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist montane forests and heavily degraded former forest, at elevations of 800 metres to 3,100 metres above sea level, but mostly at 1,500–2,500 metres. It can also be found in farmland with scattered trees and at the forest edge. Its estimated extent of occurrence is 17,000 km square. In 1988 it was assessed for the IUCN Red List as Near Threatened, updated to Lower Risk in 2000 and Least Concern since 2004; in 2002 it was described as "fairly common." A reported population decline caused by deforestation had not become problematic as of 2010, but Parr and Juniper considered that in a species with such a small range this must present a long-term threat. The current population trend is "stable" although the number of mature individuals is unknown. The rose-crowned parakeet is on the CITES Appendix II which "includes species not necessarily threatened with extinction, but in which trade must be controlled in order to avoid utilization incompatible with their survival."

Scientific Classification