White-breasted Thrasher
A species of White-breasted Thrasher Scientific name : Ramphocinclus brachyurus Genus : White-breasted Thrasher
White-breasted Thrasher, A species of White-breasted Thrasher
Botanical name: Ramphocinclus brachyurus
Genus: White-breasted Thrasher
Description General Info


The white-breasted thrasher is in average 23 to 25 cm long, and weight from 48 to 60 g depending on sex and subspecies. An adult bird has a dark brown plumage with a white throat, breast, and belly. Its dark beak is long and slightly decurved towards the tip. Several dark bristles are located around the lores, between the red eyes and nostrils of the bird. This medium-sized passerine has long and strong black legs and can live up to 7–8 years. Males and females are sexually monomorphic, thus identical in size and coloration. This bird is difficulty sexed by hand or sight due to sexual monomorphism. Males and females have the same plumage and only breeding females can be identified during breading season by their brood patch. The plumage of an immature white-breasted thrasher is uniformly brown, with a brown throat and a greyish belly. The white patch on its breast will develop with age, around a month later. When the bird is in its first year, it can be differentiated to an adult bird by the rusty brown colour of its upper-parts, and its brownish eye color.

23 cm
Life Expectancy
7-8 years
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
White-breasted Thrasher primarily consumes animal proteins and various fruits. It forages for insects and berries, employing a unique hunting technique. Its dietary preferences are adapted to its habitat, with distinctive feeding behaviors and times.
White-breasted Thrasher's preferred habitat includes tropical dry forests and shrublands, with a penchant for areas with dense canopies and rich leaf litter. Positioned usually near rivers, white-breasted Thrasher thrives in coastal regions at low elevations up to 200 meters. Optimal environments are alongside water sources in humid mature forests, supporting a rich diet of invertebrates and small vertebrates. White-breasted Thrasher avoids both overly dense scrubs and excessively open or human-transformed landscapes.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Distribution Area
Because the white-breasted thrasher is endemic to two islands of the Lesser Antilles, its range is dangerously small for species survival. The nominal subspecies, R. b. brachyurus, is only found in Martinique, where its habitat is restricted to a 5 km^2, now protected, area called the Caravelle Peninsula. Whereas R. b. sanctaeluciae inhabits Saint Lucia, which is south of Martinique. Two different populations of this subspecies are distinguished by habitat location on the island: a northern population located in Iyanola municipality and a southern one in Mandelé municipality. Until now, there is no evidence of white-breasted thrasher movement between the two islands.

Species Status
The white-breasted thrasher total population is estimated at 1900 individuals and is ranked as "endangered" according to the IUCN Red List. The rate of decline of the population has largely increased due to habitat loss on both islands. The white-breasted thrasher is able to coexist with some of its predators such as rats and mongooses. However, this predation places an additional burden on the already small thrasher population, especially in Martinique where rats and mongooses are more abundant. That is why organizations charged with environmental protection have started several programs such as: rats extermination and mongoose capture program, and also a program aimed at monitoring the reproduction success of the R. b. brachyurus (in which one of the tasks consists of fixing plastic bottles on nesting trees trunks, preventing predators to reach the nest).

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Mimids Genus
White-breasted Thrasher Species
White-breasted Thrasher