Masked Saltator
A species of Typical Saltators Scientific name : Saltator cinctus Genus : Typical Saltators
Masked Saltator, A species of Typical Saltators
Botanical name: Saltator cinctus
Genus: Typical Saltators
Description General Info


The masked saltator (Saltator cinctus) is a species passerine bird in the tanager family Thraupidae. It is found in southern Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The species is found in two small disjunct ranges, as well as smaller localized areas in Ecuador and Peru. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montane forests where it is threatened by habitat loss.

21 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Masked Saltator's diet mainly consists of fruits, particularly Podocarpus, arillate seeds, and occasionally young leaves. It typically forages in the canopy, often associating with conebills, tanagers, and woodcreepers.
Masked Saltator thrives in subtropical steep montane forests characterized by mixed woodlands. These forests feature an average canopy height of 15 meters, with some taller trees reaching up to 20 meters. The predominant vegetation in masked Saltator's habitat includes diverse plant families such as Melastomaceae, Cunoniaceae, and Lamiaceae, complemented by an understory of ferns and palms. While earlier beliefs linked masked Saltator with Chusquea bamboo stands, current observations suggest this association is not substantial. The species occupies a broader range of montane environments across its geographical distribution.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Cardinals Genus
Typical Saltators Species
Masked Saltator