Biscutate Swift
A species of Collared Cypseloidine Swifts Scientific name : Streptoprocne biscutata Genus : Collared Cypseloidine Swifts
Biscutate Swift, A species of Collared Cypseloidine Swifts
Botanical name: Streptoprocne biscutata
Genus: Collared Cypseloidine Swifts
Description General Info
Photo By Lars Petersson
The biscutate swift (Streptoprocne biscutata) is a species of swift in the family Apodidae. It is found in Brazil and Paraguay. Its natural habitats are temperate forests, subtropical or tropical dry forest, subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest, subtropical or tropical moist montane forest, and heavily degraded former forest.
22 cm
Nest Placement
The biscutate Swift primarily inhabits tropical and south temperate forests, encompassing both evergreen and deciduous varieties, as well as secondary growth scrub. Typically, they roost and breed in arid caverns and display a preference for foraging in proximity to waterfalls.
Dite type
General Info
Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Photo By Lars Petersson