East African Ostrich
A species of Ostriches, Also known as Massai Ostrich Scientific name : Struthio camelus massaicus Genus : Ostriches
East African Ostrich, A species of Ostriches
Also known as:
Massai Ostrich
Botanical name: Struthio camelus massaicus
Genus: Ostriches
General Info

General Info

Distribution Area
Wild Masai ostriches are located across Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Denser populations are often found in the semi-arid, open grassy plains of the African savanna. Despite this preference, they have been known to also inhabit desert, dense brush, and steep rocky mountain environments.

Species Status
Though Struthio camelus is listed as a species of “least concern” under the IUCN red list, wild ostrich populations are acknowledged to be in decline.

Scientific Classification