Grey Thrasher
A species of American Thrashers Scientific name : Toxostoma cinereum Genus : American Thrashers
Grey Thrasher, A species of American Thrashers
Botanical name: Toxostoma cinereum
Genus: American Thrashers
Description General Info


It is about 25 cm long. It is gray-brown above while the underparts are white with arrow-shaped black spots and its eyes are yellow. The outer tail-feathers have white tips.

27 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Grey Thrasher primarily consumes arthropods and various cacti fruits, including those from Opuntia, Pereskiopsis, and Wilcoxia species, employing adept foraging and hunting techniques suited to its desert habitat.
The grey Thrasher thrives in arid lowland scrub habitats characterized by a mix of arid to semi-arid, open to semi-open terrains. These areas are typified by a presence of cacti, scrub vegetation, scattered bushes, and trees, and occasionally include grassy patches. Cacti are especially indicative of the grey Thrasher's preferred environment. However, grey Thrasher are not found in sand dune plant communities, suggesting selectivity in their habitat choice within broader geographic regions of drylands.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Mimids Genus
American Thrashers Species
Grey Thrasher