Yellow-footed Green Pigeon
A species of Green pigeons Scientific name : Treron phoenicopterus Genus : Green pigeons
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon, A species of Green pigeons
Botanical name: Treron phoenicopterus
Genus: Green pigeons
Description General Info


The yellow-footed green pigeon (Treron phoenicoptera), also known as yellow-legged green pigeon, is a common species of green pigeon found in the Indian subcontinent. It is the state bird of Maharashtra. In Marathi it is called Hola or Hariyal. The species feeds on fruit, including many species of Ficus. They forage in flocks. In the early morning they are often seen sunning on the tops of emergent trees in dense forest areas. They especially are found sitting in couples on tree branches.

33 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon primarily consume fruits, with a preference for various Ficus species. They forage collectively in groups, exhibiting a sociable approach to feeding. Unique dietary preferences or adaptations are not specified.
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon typically inhabits a variety of wooded environments ranging from dense forests to scrublands. They have a predilection for warming themselves in the early morning atop emergent trees and are frequently observed in pairs. These birds favor lowland and foothill regions and are commonly associated with urban green spaces where trees such as pipal are present. Yellow-footed Green Pigeon tends to avoid higher mountainous elevations but is adaptable to both natural and human-modified landscapes across broader geographical regions including foothills of the Himalayas and populated urban areas.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

Species Status
Not globally threatened.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Pigeons and doves Family
Dove Genus
Green pigeons Species
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon