Bruce's Green Pigeon
A species of Green pigeons Scientific name : Treron waalia Genus : Green pigeons
Bruce's Green Pigeon, A species of Green pigeons
Botanical name: Treron waalia
Genus: Green pigeons
Description General Info


Despite its name, the Bruce's green pigeon is not green but is grey with a light yellow breast instead.

30 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Bruce's Green Pigeon predominantly consumes figs, notably from Ficus platyphylla and F. sycamorus, and fruits from Podocarpus and Zizyphus. This frugivorous bird has specialized feeding behaviors tailored to these fruits.
Bruce's Green Pigeon typically inhabits densely wooded valleys and forest patches close to water sources, reflecting a preference for green, lush environments. Their habitat extends across the Sahel zone, where they are also found, albeit less commonly, in savanna regions and thorn-scrub woodlands. They reside in areas ranging from sea-level to altitudes as high as 2000 meters, demonstrating their adaptability to various elevations within these broader geographical regions.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type


Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Pigeons and doves Family
Dove Genus
Green pigeons Species
Bruce's Green Pigeon