Cobb's Wren
A species of Troglodytes Scientific name : Troglodytes cobbi Genus : Troglodytes
Cobb's Wren, A species of Troglodytes
Botanical name: Troglodytes cobbi
Genus: Troglodytes
Description General Info
The plumage is brown, greyer on the head and breast and more rufous on the tail. There are dark bars on the flight feathers and tail. The bill is long, blackish and slightly curved. The main confusion species is the sedge wren which is smaller with a shorter bill, buff eyestripe and dark streaks on the back and head. Cobb's wrens have a number of buzzing calls and their song is a series of jumbled trills and whistles. The song can be heard from August to February and varies between individuals with different males having different song patterns.
14 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Cobb's Wren primarily consumes invertebrates. It forages in tussac grass, boulder crevices, and kelp on beaches, even exploring penguin burrows. Cobb's Wren has no unique dietary preferences recorded.
Cobb's Wren typically dwells in dense vegetation, with a strong preference for areas dominated by tussac grass, which are extensive, tall, and form a critical component of its natural environment. They are also found in predator-free zones with abundant natural cover, including coastal areas strewn with piles of washed-up kelp, which provide shelter and feeding opportunities.
Dite type
General Info
Feeding Habits
Bird food type
The birds typically inhabit dense stands of tussac grass near the coast. They are often found on beaches searching among kelp and debris to find small invertebrates such as insects and amphipods. They are tame and can often be approached closely. When disturbed they prefer to slip away like a mouse between boulders or tussac clumps rather than fly.
Species Status
This wren is restricted to small rat-free islands with a population of only 4,500-8000 pairs (1997/1998 estimate). It is fragmented into small populations which could disappear if their islands were colonized by rats or cats. The birds' habit of feeding and breeding at ground level makes them very vulnerable to predation unlike the sedge wren which lives higher up and can coexist with predators. The plight of Cobb's wren was recently brought to broader attention by being featured as Canon's endangered species of the month for the February 2009 issue of National Geographic Magazine. It has been reclassified as least concern in 2017 by the IUCN thanks to the control of invasive rats on nearby islands.
Scientific Classification
Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Wrens Genus
Troglodytes Species
Cobb's Wren