Yellow-winged Vireo
A species of Vireos Scientific name : Vireo carmioli Genus : Vireos
Yellow-winged Vireo, A species of Vireos
Botanical name: Vireo carmioli
Genus: Vireos
Description General Info


The yellow-winged vireo (Vireo carmioli) is a small passerine bird. It is endemic to the highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama. This vireo occurs from 2000 m to the timberline in the canopy of mountain forest, sometimes feeding in undergrowth or tall second growth. The small cup nest is built in the fork of a small branch 3–20 m high in a tree or scrub and the clutch is two dark-spotted white eggs. Both sexes construct the nest, incubate the eggs and feed the young. The adult yellow-winged vireo is 11.5 cm in length and weighs 13 g. It has olive-green upperparts and blackish wings with two yellow wing bars. There is a yellowish supercilium which joins the interrupted white eye ring. The throat is white, and the underparts are otherwise pale yellow with some olive on the flanks. Young birds are browner above and have very pale yellow underparts. Yellow-winged vireos feed on spiders and insects gleaned from tree foliage, and also eat small fruits. They will join mixed-species feeding flocks, or accompany flame-throated warblers. The yellow-winged vireo has a nasal nit call and the song is a high slurred viree chichu chuyee; viree viree cheeyu; viree witchum vireee.

12 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Yellow-winged Vireo consumes insects, spiders, and vegetable matter, supplementing its varied diet with berries. It employs active foraging techniques, often seeking food among foliage. Notable for its adaptable feeding habits, yellow-winged Vireo adjusts its diet seasonally to available food sources.
Yellow-winged Vireo thrives in cool, humid mountain forests predominantly located at altitudes ranging from approximately 1900 meters, stretching up to the tree-line areas at around 3000 meters. This species is known to make seasonal adjustments by descending to lower elevations, approximately 1500 meters, during the wet season. These habitat preferences position yellow-winged Vireo in high-elevation regions rather than the lowland zones or urban areas.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Birds Order
Perching birds Family
Vireos Genus
Vireos Species
Yellow-winged Vireo