Scaly Thrush
A species of Scaly Thrushes and Allies Scientific name : Zoothera dauma Genus : Scaly Thrushes and Allies
Scaly Thrush, A species of Scaly Thrushes and Allies
Botanical name: Zoothera dauma
Genus: Scaly Thrushes and Allies
Description General Info


The sexes are similar, 27–31 cm long, with black scaling on a paler white or yellowish background. The most striking identification feature in flight is the black band on the white underwings, a feature shared with Siberian thrush. The male has a song which is a loud, far-carrying mechanical whistle, with 5-10 second pauses between each one second long phrase twee...tuuu....tuuu....tuuu.

30 cm
Nest Placement
Feeding Habits
Scaly Thrush primarily eats invertebrates like worms, insects, larvae, slugs, and snails, supplemented by berries. Scaly Thrush forages on the ground or in low vegetation, displaying a distinctive bobbing walk and manipulates leaf litter with its bill. This bird is most active at dawn and dusk, often using forest paths for feeding.
The scaly Thrush is typically found in mature broadleaf and conifer forests that offer a dense bushy understory and moist soil conditions. During winter, scaly Thrush inhabits dense forests with varied undergrowth composed of bracken, grassy clearings, forest edges, sal trees, stream sides, bamboo clumps, and mango groves. These environments span across broader geographical regions, from the forested plains to areas with denser vegetation.
Dite type

General Info

Feeding Habits
Bird food type
The scaly thrush is very secretive, preferring dense cover. It nests in trees, laying three or four dull green eggs in a neat cup nest. It is omnivorous, eating a wide range of insects, earthworms and berries.

Distribution Area
It breeds in wet coniferous taiga, mainly in the Himalayas through Malaysia.

Scientific Classification